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Medicinal Cannabis

At Bondi Doctors we now offer integrative medicinal cannabis consultations with Dr Alister Sigaroudi (excluding leaf). 


Alister is a prescriber of medicinal cannabis and is passionate about its potential to treat conditions that have not responded to other medicines, including chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia.

Medicinal cannabis can be used to relieve the symptoms of certain medical conditions, and the side effects of some treatments.

There is some evidence that certain medicinal cannabis products may be useful in treating the following conditions:

+ Epilepsy

+ Multiple sclerosis

+ Symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatment (such as nausea, pain and loss of appetite)

+ Pain

+ Symptom relief in palliative care


Medicinal Cannabis eligibility

To be eligible for medicinal cannabis, you must: 

  1. Have a medical condition for which you have tried conventional medications and treatments, without success;

  2. Have discussed medicinal cannabis with your current treating practitioners, but they are unable to prescribe it to you, and

  3. Have read and understood the TGA patient information factsheet.


Initial consultations for medicinal cannabis are 30mins long, and incur a $220 gap fee.
Follow up consultations for medicinal cannabis are 15mins long, and incur an $80 gap fee.


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