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Pregnancy Care

At Bondi Doctors we specialise in women’s health, reproductive health and pregnancy care. We offer a range of comprehensive services to support you throughout your pregnancy journey.

Our comprehensive pregnancy support services include:

Which model of care is best for me? 



When you first find out you're pregnant...

Finding out you’re pregnant is an exciting time—congratulations! Once you have a positive pregnancy test, make an appointment with your GP. Your journey starts with an initial consultation, which is important to ensure you're on track for a healthy pregnancy.


During this early appointment, your GP will:

  • Organise referrals for essential blood tests

  • Arrange a dating scan (if your cycle is irregular or if the date of your last period is uncertain)

  • Provide advice on early pregnancy care, including folic acid and iodine supplements=

This initial check-up ensures you and your baby are set up for a healthy pregnancy.​



Initial consultation (6 - 9 weeks)
Your next appointment should be scheduled between 6 and 9 weeks of pregnancy. This is your first official antenatal visit, where your GP will:

  • Review your medical history

  • Perform a full health check, including blood pressure, weight, and other key health markers

  • Provide information on vaccines, genetic screening, and healthy pregnancy tips

  • Discuss your preferred model of care (GP Antenatal Shared Care, MGP, MAPS, or private obstetric care)

Referrals for all models of care:

If you are opting for GP Antenatal Shared Care, Midwifery Group Practice (MGP), or Maternal Antenatal Postnatal Service (MAPS), your referral will be completed during this visit. 


For MGP/MAPS, referrals must also be made between 6-9 weeks by your GP to secure your place in the program.


Follow up consultations


Depending on your chosen care model, you will have regular follow-up appointments with either your GP, midwife, or obstetrician throughout your pregnancy. 


Most of our doctors are accredited to provide care under the specialist Antenatal Shared Care program offered by the Royal Hospital for Women (RHW). 

The Antenatal Shared Care Program involves sharing your pregnancy care between the Royal Hospital for Women and your family doctor. It offers choice, convenience and continuity of care for women during pregnancy. 

Advantages of the Antenatal Shared Care Program: 

  • Personalised care with the same doctor;

  • Ongoing care for you and your family before and after your baby is born;

  • Convenience, flexibility and low wait times for appointments; and

  • Affordable alternative to private Obstetric care

Who is Antenatal Shared Care for? 

  • Healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies;

  • Women who wish to be cared for by their GP and the RHW practitioners; and

  • Women who wish to deliver their baby at the RHW.



Midwifery-led care provides continuous support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum, with two main programs available:

Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)

MGP ensures a dedicated midwife or small team supports you throughout pregnancy and whether, whether you choose a hospital, birth centre, or homebirth. 

Maternity Antenatal Postnatal Service (MAPS)

MAPS provides specialist antenatal and postnatal care for more complex pregnancies, offering continuity with midwives and healthcare teams.

The main difference between the two programs is that with MGP, you'll have a dedicated midwife (or small team) who provides continuous care throughout your pregnancy and birth. In contrast, MAPS offers care from a broader team of midwives and specialists, typically for more complex pregnancies, but does not allow you to select an individual midwife. 

Regardless of the program you choose, an initial consultation and referral between 6–9 weeks of pregnancy is essential to secure your place. The Royal Hospital for Women is strict, and they won't accept referrals before 6 weeks. If you come in before this timeframe, we’ll arrange for you to return during the correct window to ensure your spot.


Private obstetric care offers dedicated care from a specialist obstetrician throughout your pregnancy. This option is suited to women who prefer the additional reassurance of specialist-led care, especially if there are any complications or concerns.

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